SEO Copywriting

SEO Ad Copy

Client: (TheUseful)

Description: TheUseful, an incentivized affiliate network, wanted to generate automotive leads for its content Web site, So, Glenn Bossik, founder of High Concept Media, wrote SEO ad copy describing each of the car models from the major automakers.

Read an SEO copywriting sample.

Copywriting News

How to Write for SEO


I often fill these pages with rants about what not to do when writing copy for search engine optimisation (SEO) and for a web audience.

However, it struck me recently that I have not spent much time exploring best practice in SEO copywriting and how to ensure your content is as fit for purpose as possible.

I am going to remedy that today. Please comment if you have any questions or additions.


Spiders are the crawlers sent out by search engines such as Google to trawl through the web, recording details and information about the pages they visit. Read more about SEO copywriting